Friday, March 24, 2017

CON GAMES; BLOG # 2077; MARCH 24, 2017


We should exercise care before describing victims of a con game as unthinking, careless dupes? In a sense, all victims of cons have identical tendencies. They are swept away by a narrative that, to them, is a most compelling reality. The con man succeeds if false love comes at the exact moment that the victim craves love most.

Maria Konnikova is a contributing writer for The New Yorker and the author of “The Confidence Game: Why We Fall For It … Every Time,” SOME OF THESE THOUGHTS COME FROM HER WRITINGS.



A 42-year-old woman has become a recent victim of an online love scam after she was conned out of HK$880,000 by her “British lover”. This occurred despite repeated warnings from police about the dangers posed by online and telephone scammers.

The woman, a clerk who lived in Kwun Tong’s Tsui Ping Estate, came to know “Richy” through a dating app in April. The man told her he was a British businessman.

A month later, “Richy” claimed to have run into financial problems and said he was urgently in need of money. Without having ever met her “lover”, she followed instructions given by him to transfer HK$880,000 to bank accounts in Mexico and the United States between May and August.

“The money was transferred in 30 separate transactions to bank accounts opened in different names,” a police source said. “The story always ends up the same. The victim only realized she had been scammed when the 'lover' disappeared after he received the money.”


Taking chances on crooked monetary schemes succeeds when the victim is most in need of money.

This scam tells you that it's easy to get started. All you need to do is put $100 or more on a prepaid debit card from your local convenience store. The greater the value, the more money you can make. Then, share the card number and PIN, and the "investor" will do the rest. Money's been tight lately, so the post piques your interest. You check out the profile behind the post, and he or she appears to be a real person with photos and followers. The account may even have dozens of "thank you" comments from satisfied past "investors." You decide to give it a shot, and send him or her a message. Unfortunately, giving out the card number and PIN allows the "investor" to withdraw money from the card. Typically, the scammer drains the card and then blocks you from contacting their social media account.


The con artist may be viewed by non-victims as unfeeling and aggressive psychopaths (madman, maniac, lunatic, sociopath). These descriptions may be overstating the nature of the con man. For example, malevolent stockbrokers like Bernie Madoff do not qualify as psychopaths. 

Rather, they are better described as corporate machiavellians who use deliberate, strategic procedures for exploiting others. (devious, cunning, artful, sly unscrupulous, dishonest). Being deceitful is a way to advance their careers or monetary goals by exploiting others.


Indeed, people high on the Machiavellianism scale tend to be among the most successful manipulators in society. Many claim that Donald Trump is such a person. They are more convincing liars than most. 

When people want to believe what they have chosen to believe, it is difficult to dissuade them. 

The reason it happens, even to very intelligent people, is that human nature is wired toward creating meaning out of situations that are dispiriting, depressing and discouraging.


David Sullivan, a professional cult infiltrator, told the Commonwealth Club of California, a public affairs forum, in July 2010:

"Nobody thinks they are joining a cult", he explains. “They join a group that’s going to promote peace and freedom throughout the world or that’s going to save animals, or they’re going to help orphans or something. But nobody joins a cult.” 


Matters of faith are often-expressed by modern science as the notion that God resides in the cracks between knowledge. As more of the world is scientifically explained, the gaps in what we know shrink. The gaps are where faith resides and they will always exist so there will always be room for things that have to be taken on faith. 

People don’t knowingly embrace false beliefs. They embrace something they thought to be as true as it gets. They don’t set out to be conned, rather to become, in some way, better than they were before. That is the true power of belief. It gives people hope. Skeptics, unwilling to accept the possible saving outcomes of the world, tend to despair. 

To live a good life we must, almost by definition, be open to belief. That is why the confidence game, is both the oldest there is and destined to be the last profession standing.



FROM: dr.malik dan musa.



Dear Sir,
Although this proposal might come to you as a surprise, since it is
from someone you do not know or have seen before, but based on
recommendations, I gathered from a very reliable source here in Nigeria.

I am the member, fund coordinator of the Finance Contract
Department of Nigerian Ports Authority. The crux of this letter is that the Finance/Contract Department of the NPA deliberately over-inflated the contract values of various contract awarded. In the course of disbursement my office was able to track down the sum of US$15M (fifteen Million U.S Dollars) as the over invoiced sum. This money is now floating in the NPA domiciliary account with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). My colleagues and I now want to quickly transfer this fund to a safe nominated foreign account for possible investment abroad.

We are not allowed as a matter of government policy to operate any
foreign account because of our status as civil/public servants. Hence the need to solicit for you’re full banking details, to enable us transfer this money into your account. Upon your acceptance of this proposal, we have agreed on a sharing ratio: -

1) 30% for you as the account owner
2) 60% for I and my colleagues
3) 10% will be set aside to defray all incidental expenses both locally and internationally during the course of this transaction.

Furthermore, we shall be coming over to your country when the money is finally in your account and we shall be relying on your advise as regards to investment of our share. Be informed that, this business is genuine and 100% safe considering the high-powered government officials involved.

Send to me by email the following information: -
1) Your company name and address, bank name, address and account number.

2) Your private email address, telephone and fax number for effective communication.

This is to affect the Swift Transfer of this fund into
your account in less than Seven (7) working days.

Expecting your mail immediately while looking forward to a healthy business relationship with you.

Sincerely yours,
malik dan musa


Why is Nigeria famous for scams? You would think that Country's name would lead to a rapid close (delete)?


Awarded to Boco Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau, whether he is dead or alive.


"Trust is hard to come by. That's why my circle is small and tight. I'm kind of funny about making new friends." Eminem


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