Every child starts out with a high level of self-esteem. Children believe they can become anything they want and achieve anything to which they aspire. Self-esteem is not inherited or developed by receiving undeserved praise or handouts. It is the result of real achievement and the knowledge that you did it on your own. Our school systems don’t seem to understand this concept when they institute a ‘Don’t fail a child or give him a zero for failure to hand in assignments’ policy. I believe this is a short-sighted policy. It is OK to help students with a ‘Science Fair’ project; just don’t do most of the work for them. No parents want to see their child fail or be cut from a team; however, some of the best lessons in life come from a real understanding on the child’s part, that ‘I just didn’t do my best; I will try harder and prepare more next time. Trial and Error Learning is valuable. Self-esteem develops from the knowledge that failures along the way have consequences but this does not mean that love is withheld. A child needs to learn how to handle successes and failure equally well. Humility and Self-esteem go hand in hand.
The USA society has developed into a media circus. The media controls the politics of the nation. They decide which candidates to promote and support, which issues are the most crucial, which political ideology is paramount, which candidate won the debate and every other truth society should accept.
The media promotes controversy, presents little truth, relentlessly publicizes all evil deeds, and sells ads. They call it ‘Freedom of the Press’. Bullying is tolerated. There is no real and severe consequence for those individuals or groups of peers who torment others who are less clever, less attractive, less ‘cool’, more vulnerable or inflicted with any kind of obvious skin colour, blemish or defect. Many in this society grow up disillusioned and confused with little or no self-esteem. What is being done to eradicate this problem? The answer is "very little”!
Picture a reclusive, very intelligent individual with no sense of self worth. He comes from a broken home and lives with a mother who is fond of guns and collects them.. He is not handsome or a ‘hunk’. He has few friends. He spends much time alone playing violent video games that may have desensitized him towards the taking of a human life. He sees the media glorify the killing of a terrorist. He sees dead infants in the arms of grieving fathers in Syria. He sees rioting in and death in the Ukraine. He learned in history class about the atrocities committed by the Nazis. He reads about the Neo Nazis in his country who admire Hitler.
Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water (Lyrics)
Is there anything more rewarding than watching a child become an independent and successful adult?
Awarded to Toronto Mayor John Tory for allowing the King Street situation to continue.
“Don’t handicap your children by making their lives easy.” -Robert A. Heinlein
A Psalm of Life > H.W. Longfellow.
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