Friday, April 29, 2022

FOLLOWERS; BLOG # 2348 FRI, APR 29, 2022


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

What doesn’t kill YOU, disappoints me.


Definition  FOOLS:

‘frightened followers’ feeling free, flipping %^*# fingers, flowing forth, fantasizing, fabricating, flashing favourite foundations and forgetting facts.

Some climate extremists use the alarm signal and refer to   the ‘consensus of evidence’; however, consider these facts: 

  • There has been no global warming for a decade and a half. 
  • Sea level has been rising for eight years at a rate equivalent to just three centimeters per century. 
  • Hurricane activity is at its lowest in the 30-year satellite record.
  • Global sea-ice extent has hardly changed in that time. 
  • Himalayan glaciers have not lost ice overall. 
  • Ocean heat content is rising four and a half times more slowly than predicted.
  • The 50 million “climate refugees” that the UN had said would be displaced by 2010 simply do not exist.
To date, the “consensus of evidence” does not support total catastrophic claims. 



The reasons for pushing extreme climate paranoia are identical to those of any group seeking to sway the public towards their selfish interests: 
  • Power, Notoriety and World Acclaim    (Ontario’s Green Energy Act) 
  • Economics, Marketing and Promotion      (South Korea’s propaganda to increase its sales of wind turbines) 
  • Causes, Campaigns, Crusades or Bandwagons (People love to have a cause even if they have been duped by false claims)
  • Competitive Advantage by Rival Entities (Foundations under the guise of charities who are backed by foreign corporations to interfere with a country’s development of competing resources)


Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen's song for Ukraine with new lyrics, 2022



Last week I was trying to make friends without the use of Facebook.  I would walk down the street and tell others about my problems, and current feelings; what I dreamt about the night before and  what I was planning to do that day.  I ask them questions, listen to their opinions with a “thumbs up” and give them an enthusiastic “like”.  It works exactly like Facebook.  I already have 10 followers: 1 policeman, 1 private investigator, 1 CNN reporter, 1 homeless fellow and a 6 politicians.


Did you know that people who look after chickens are literally Chicken Tenders?


Why do you consider yourself a follower of a particular religion?


Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of the Government. But then I repeat myself. MARK TWAIN


To  all followers who never stop to think WHY???  


Shania Twain On The Affair That Shattered Her Marriage: 'Humiliating For Me'

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