You have the right to remain
silent but not the ability.”
Pain has some very severe causes that place the injured party under serious stress. Having a spouse, or family member or friend die or contract an incurable illness or suffer severe injury or undergo a disaster are some of the absolute worst causes of pain. Losing a job, your faith, a law suit, your house, your investment, other expensive possessions, an argument, a competition, a cell phone, or the homework that your dog ate can cause bad pain. However, they are not the reason for my thoughts on dealing with everyday pain.
Pain is not confined to the feelings you receive from other people; but, some 'pains in the ass’ are inevitable. They might be part of the family into which you married. Many stories are rooted in the trials of 'in laws'. They might be associated with a boss at work. Occasionally one might include the boss at home in this category, whether it be the husband or the wife. A teenaged offspring, girl or boy, may not be the boss in the family; however, they are quite skilled in the act of causing 'ass pain' when it comes to their parents.
- It is exhausting. One must not allow pain to become chronic and drain the energy from your soul.
- It can interfere with your sleep pattern and cause the day to become much longer.
- It kills your ability to concentrate and replaces any desirable outcomes.
- It can cause a crankiness of which you are not aware.
- It can damage your self esteem and cause feelings of a lack of respect from others.
- It can put you into a debilitating state of wanting to be alone.
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