Friday, May 5, 2017


Whenever children grow up without the love and guidance of nurturing parents they become vulnerable to all sorts of questionable influences. Often these influences are illegal, offensive and overwhelming. Is it any wonder that impressionable youth are swallowed up in the seemingly attractive sphere of gangs?

Here are some of the major risk factors:

  • negative influences in the youth's life
  • limited attachment to the community
  • over-reliance on anti-social peers
  • poor parental supervision
  • alcohol and drug abuse
  • poor educational or employment potential
  • a need for recognition and belonging

CENTRAL ISLIP, N.Y. is located within the Town of Islip in Suffolk County, Long Island, United States. The population was 34,450 at the 2010 census.


Suspected MS-13 gang members arrested in connection with Long Island teen murders

The area is infested by a gang known as, La Mara Salvatrucha, and shortened to MS-13. The gang, linked to El Salvador, is like  the Colombian cartels and the mafia. It smuggles gang members across the United States border and is known for recruiting young immigrants who continue to enter the district illegally. Intelligence and investigation reveal that MS-13 was forcing local families to become legal guardians for gang members through threats and intimidation.

Recently, In Suffolk County the bodies of four young men who had been brutally killed were found near a park. Authorities contend that these killings had the markings of MS-13. This would bring the gang’s body count to 15 in the County since the beginning of 2016 and represent the most violent stretch since MS-13 took hold on Long Island in the late 1990s. 

Jeff Sessions, Trump's new attorney general, visited the county  and in a  speech to local police commissioners and sheriffs vowed to eradicate the gang by cracking down on illegal immigration.

His appointment has been dogged by controversy surrounding a Ku Klux Klan remark that was regarded as racially motivated.The Alabama senator told the Senate Judiciary Committee at his confirmation testimony that allegations he had once supported the KKK were "damnably false". Mr Sessions was also accused of calling a black assistant US attorney "boy" and telling him to be careful about how he spoke to "white folks". Mr Sessions was also accused of calling a black assistant US attorney "boy" and telling him to be careful about how he spoke to "white folks".

Like many Republicans, Mr Sessions has opposed the LGBT-rights movement, and in particular the legalization of same-sex marriage. In 2000 and 2009 he voted against legislation which would expand the definition of a hate crime to include offences based on sexual orientation.

He has criticized what he refers to as the 'lawless practice' of sanctuary cities that do not cooperate with immigration authorities.

In his speech to the people of Suffolk County. Mr Sessions stressed, “The MS-13 motto is kill, rape and control. Our motto is justice for victims and consequences for criminals. Prosecute them, and after they’ve been convicted, if they’re not here lawfully, they’re going to be deported. We cannot continue with this transporting across our border illegal immigrants who have not been properly vetted and actually are part of criminal organizations.” 

Sessions added, “The best way to tackle the problem is to convince young people to stay away from the gangs. I have a message for the gangs that target our young people: We are targeting you. We are coming after you. 

Local law enforcement officials fear that the Trump administration’s promise to crack down on undocumented immigrants will destroy trust in the community and hamper investigations. As a result, the Suffolk County police commissioner, Timothy Sini, said that if crime victims or witnesses came forward, the police would not ask about their immigration status.

Sini provided these statistics. Seven of the 13 MS-13 gang members indicted in a sweep by the United States attorney’s office in March had entered the country as unaccompanied minors. Ten of those indicted were undocumented immigrants.

Current research suggests the need to address specific risk factors that lead youth to violence and gangs. It is also important to enhance protective factors that can play a role in keeping youth out of gangs.



Awarded to the 'Devil called Loneliness'


"My best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake. "Aristotle


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