Friday, March 3, 2017



The days of racism towards black people in American communities should be over. Marches by 'Black Lives Matter' only serve to provide an excuse for a lack of confidence or trust in societal norms. Events such as 'Black History Month' should be put to rest.  A classic case of 'Political Correctness (appeasement) came to the movie awards when the 'Best Picture' Oscar was presented to a totally undeserving 'Moonlight'. This was obviously a move to counter the criticism of the previous year's ceremonies.  The film followed the life of a young black to manhood and failed to emphasize the fact that his development was doomed because of the lack of nurturing parents in a drug filled, poorly educated community. Instead they introduced the distraction that he was gay!

There are many black men and women who are contributors and worthy of recognition; not because they are black but because they  have contributed to the development of a nation.

Things will only get better for blacks in America when they take responsibility for their blatant criminal and social  behaviours. As long as they continue to sire children and then abandon them or take pride in getting several other baby mommas pregnant, the children of these selfish acts will have little or no chance of receiving an education,  landing a decent job or enjoying a rewarding and happy life. The cycle of tragic lives will continue in such communities.

Most of the problems blacks experience from other races occur because these people don’t like their behaviours. Skin clour is not the overriding factor. There are thousands of black people in America who are well educated and who live as respected and admired members of society. A problem arises when many other blacks take solace in blaming others for their problems.


It is not possible to legislate morality! People will only adopt values in which they truly believe. Schools must be enabled to discus values such as empathy, tolerance, kindness, love for mankind and respect for laws and behaviours. Parents are responsible for nurturing and instilling these values in their offspring. Communities that lack such realities are vulnerable and doomed to encounter conflict within and outside of their habitat.

Some black leaders   have actually  led their vulnerable followers  astray by concentrating on negative or false values. They do immeasurable harm  by preaching  questionable concepts implicit in the term 'African American'.  To my mind that concept stresses living in the past with a limited view towards relationships within a new reality. 

Police forces do make many mistakes. Policies such as 'carding' or 'stop and frisk' should not be directed mainly towards blacks; however, if there are neighbourhoods of high crime rates that contain a majority of black gangsters or criminals then these communities must act to rid themselves of such behaviours. Cooperate with law enforcement; become reliable witnesses; report criminal activity.


In Chicago, young, Black males are overwhelmingly committing most of the murders.  Black males are primarily killing other young, Black males. 75% of those murdered Are Black, 71% of the killers Are Black.

In Georgia, racism prevailed but was met with justice. A judge recently sentenced two people to lengthy prison terms for their role in the disruption of a black child’s birthday party with Confederate flags, racial slurs and armed threats.Atlanta news outlets report that Ismael Torres, 26, will spend 13 years in prison and Kayla Rae Norton, 25, is to serve six years. Both wept as the sentences were handed down in Douglas County, west of Atlanta.

“Their actions were motivated by racial hatred,” said Superior Court Judge William McClain.

Obviously this racist action is deplored by reasonable people, everywhere, black or white. Will this justice be sufficient to dismiss thoughts of vengeance or unnecessary protest marches? Will the hate reverends intervene?

In Toronto recently, officers were called in around 5:30 a.m. to respond to  a man in his 20s being shot in the abdomen outside an all night diner. The victim was taken to hospital by  two friends.  An officer says the friends are refusing to cooperate with investigators. Obviously the two friends and the victim are involved in some nefarious activity.


Administrators must take action to ensure good, clean and up-to-date school facilities. Only excellent and skilled teachers should be employed. Do away with Public Employee Unions that make it very difficult to remove  sub par educators. 

Society and cultures must encourage responsible parenting. Birth control must be at the forefront of religious preachings to young teens.


"Just because you can have a baby, it doesn't mean you should.  Especially without planning for one or getting married first. More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues.'"

Does this cultural pattern truly promote human flourishing?


Mothers with no visible means of supporting a child should have their babies removed and placed with families that can provide a nurturing environment.


One for Jackson and one for Sharpton



Has mankind been cursed with the gene of intolerance? Where is the love????


"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." 

Martin Luther King, Jr.



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