Sunday, February 19, 2017

SCIENCE OR BULL SH*T BLOG # 2073; FEB 24, 2017


Listen to me! Fruit flies are part of the plan. What if they become extinct?

It is a wise requirement that scientists at federal agencies be prevented  from communicating their findings without serious oversight. In some cases, attending scientific conferences should not be at their own whim. When it comes to science, social media accounts and websites need to be  held accountable. Given the plethora of unproven or fudged data plus the number of pseudo labs working on inane topics such as the 'life cycle of fruit flies' , is it any wonder that the mistrust of certain scientific topics is front and centre?

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The map above is fake. NOAA has almost no temperature data from Africa, and none from central Africa. They simply made up the record temperatures. 


In the U.S there are proposals for slashing research budgets and gutting funding that could affect the training of the next generation of scientists. To top it all off, President Trump’s cabinet nominees and senior advisers include many who are climate deniers or doubters. 

Canadians had a similar assault on science under Prime Minister Stephen Harper.  Canadian scientists wrestled with indecision; however,  the scientific community came together in a futile effort to  save some of their research.  It captured the attention and concern of a few of the gullible  public. In 2007, Mr. Harper noticed the detrimental affects of university science labs on the education budget and his government introduced some sensible new rules. Federal scientists were not allowed to speak freely with the media about their research without the approval of public relations specialists. The Prime Minister was concerned with reliable information and proof rather than 'could, maybe, probably or likely'

Apparently scientists around the world decried the fact that research libraries were closed and historical data and reports were lost. They refer to it as a purge of environmental data and claim that politicians justified their action as a “cost-saving” measures. 

Can't wait till the camera goes away and we can get back to having sex!

Lost in the move was the Experimental Lakes Area, a world-renowned research facility where scientists run experiments on pollution and environmental contaminants in more than 50 small lakes in Northwestern Ontario.

Consider the earth shattering loss we will suffer without the ability of scientists to play silly games in the lakes up north, far removed from pollution and man made carbon footprints.

Canadian scientists like to believe that their 'Death of Evidence' march in Ottawa led to the demise of Harper's conservatives. Some claim it was a turning point that transformed public opinion against his so called anti-science agenda. 

A protestor wearing a Grim Reaper costume stands on Parliament Hill during a rally on July 10, 2012 in Ottawa to protest the federal government's cuts to science policies.

With the rise of Justin Trudeau’s government these scientists have saved their 'pay while we play' tenured positions and subsidized scare tactics.


Scientists are condemning President Trump and his choices for leadership of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Energy and the State Department. 

They see these appointees as a group of men who have denied climate change or questioned the extent to which humans are responsible for global warming. (HEAVEN FORBID!) They call for measures designed to perpetuate their shaky activities and reject political interference.

This ought to raise some eyebrows and some more dollars for the guys!
Do they honestly believe that their collective voices and useless research are vital to a nation or a world having so many real issues?


Are environmental scientists one step away from 'Psychics and Palm Readers' ?


Awarded to 'TARA TAROT'. 

Tara Greene voted Canada's # 1 Psychic Tarot Reader. 


"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain


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