Friday, February 10, 2017

BRAINWASHING; BLOG # 2071; FEB 10, 2017


Discrediting independent sources of information has two  advantages for the distributor. It helps insulate them from criticism and it allows them to create  narratives, alternative facts, and their ultimate agenda.

The Russian dissident, Putin's biggest critic and chess grandmaster, Garry Kasparov tweeted,  "The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth."

A large number of Americans have become accustomed to rejecting factual information or believing hoaxes that are put forward by the media or governments. Today, thanks to a totally biased agenda and a propensity to bombard a gullable public, the real truth is often hidden.  In many minds, the media becomes the only reliable source of truth and this has now become  central to a nation's politics.

It is very helpful to think on the apparent facility with which young boys and girls are radicalized to the cause of jihad in Middle East countries. If their lives are presented as a hopeless reality and they are promised a much better existence in the next life, then it becomes an easy conquest of the young mind. 


In Canada and the U.S. there are many young, uneducated and unemployed young citizens who see their existence as hopeless.  They become susceptible to radicalization with the promise of a better life through jihadist presentations on social media.

I believe that it is incumbent on the media, social and otherwise, to abstain from one-side propaganda and present the news in as truthful a manner as possible. Popularity, exclusivity, and ratings should not be the goal.

As George Orwell said: “The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.” 

Some media outlets argue that Trump and his advisors believe that much of the electorate will not care if the president presents distorted facts. The 'Trumpeters' of course blame the media. It is important to realize, that in the game of pass the buck, the ball bounces both ways. In the interest of restoring respect for facts and truth, it is important to penetrate the intellectual ghettos on both the right and left. The devil is in the how. Where does one go to uncover the truth? Each argument will want to be aggressive; however, it must forget the hysteria and avoid being unduly oppositional.


Democracy requires a reality-based philosophy, which recognizes that facts really do matter. Spins do not. Consider these arguments:
  • The United Nations Security Council does not work! Veto this!
  • Illegal immigrants do exist.
  • Muslim extremists are killing many.
  • Social media is not a reliable source of info.
  • Too many children are malnourished, poorly nurtured or abandoned.
  • Unions often are counter productive. 
  • Too many youth are uneducated and unemployed. 
  • Women suffer from the effects of misogyny.
  • Man-made global warming is not a proven fact!
  • Different cultures seldom get along when integrated.
  • Too much wealth is concentrated in the hands of too few.
  • The electoral process should reflect the choices of a majority of voters.


Argentina has as a tradition in its  society that derives from a 19th-century saying 'to govern is to populate'. But President Mauricio Macri has issued a decree curbing immigration to Argentina. His government has recently declared that newcomers from poorer countries in Latin America bring crime. He has introduced certain measures that make it much easier to deport immigrants and restrict their entry. His actions have prompted irate comparisons to President Trump and ignited a fierce debate over immigration.

“A decree like this scares people,” said Arfang Diedhiou, 33, a Senegalese immigrant who runs his own clothing store here in the capital, Buenos Aires. “It came out just after what Trump did, a coincidence that seems very strange to me.”

Argentina’s president, the son of an immigrant, has echoed some of Mr. Trump’s “America First” theme, making it clear that his “first concern” should be “caring for Argentines, caring for ourselves.”

But on the other hand, opinion polls in Argentina showed widespread support for limiting immigration. Some argue the new decree does not go far enough. One right-wing congressman is even calling for a wall to be built on the border with Bolivia.

The immigration official, Mr. García, said deportations “will only focus on serious crimes.” He contended that the measure was necessary because Argentina had become “defenceless to criminals from other countries.”

Maria Alejandra Alviarez, 39, a nurse from Venezuela who moved here a year ago and works in a health food store, said Argentina had been “too free and open” before the decree. “Macri’s not saying people can’t migrate, and qualified people like me will still be able to come here,” she said.

Others contend that the shift is strategic, seeking short-term political points by blaming foreigners for ills in Argentine society ahead of legislative elections this year.


Trump is far from the traditional example of a statesmanlike  figure. However democracies for far too long have toyed with foreign heads of states and tolerated their somewhat weak-in-the-knees leaders. Do we need heads of state that have a smooth, charismatic demeanour? Canada's Trudeau is a prime example in that he  appears to be more concerned with his image abroad that the issues at home. Is it true that many Americans would prefer him to be their president? If so, let's send him south!

Are people tired of the status quo prior to Trump? I say if they are not, they should be! 

The media says, "If Trump's bellicose approach becomes the norm, alliances and key relationships will quickly fray, and the appeal of anti-American politicians is certain to grow." So what? Is today's world a perfect example of how humanity should operate? 

Mr. Trump’s pugnacious approach to foreign relations and his first executive orders have been attacked by the media in one-sided rants.
  • A sweeping travel ban targeting people from seven predominantly Muslim nations has raised a world-wide fury. The media concentrates on protest marches in foreign countries. Obviously, a wholesale ban presents so many problems. Why not concentrate on the dangers of the ban as opposed to Trump's popularity?
  • With Mexico, the media criticizes and declares that President Trump has made America’s  third-largest trading partner the prime punching bag of his campaign. 
  • He cancelled and hung up on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia about an agreement the Obama administration and Mr. Turnbull had reached to resettle refugees stranded in offshore prisons run by Australia. Once again Trump receives one sided blasts from the media.


Love him, hate him or give him a chance?


Awarded to Wolf Blitzer. He is much too much!


"When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough." Donald Trump



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