- Ontario's Green energy Act will place the Province near the top of N American jurisdictions in terms of electricity costs.
- This will seriously impair Ontario's growth and competitiveness.
- Manufacturing is likely to decline by 29 per cent, mining by 13 per cent, and forestry by less than one per cent.
- The Liberals have attempted to offset these declines by offering them subsidies. WHO PAYS?
- The resulting economic stagnation will cause huge job losses
- The Global Warming claims are B,S.
- THE GREEN ENERGY ACT's focus on wind generated power is a huge boondoggle. 80% of the energy generated occurs only when demand for electricity is low. The province is forced to sell off the surplus at a loss. This miscalculation has cost to date, an estimated $2 billion dollars and generates annual losses approaching $200 million.
- The inefficiencies of wind power are well documented when compared to conventional methods.
- Any job increase claims by the Liberal government due to the Green Energy Act are temporary in nature and offset by job losses created by its enactment.
- Any emission reductions, that have been small in scope, could have been achieved at a fraction of the cost.
Ian Rutherford Plimer
(born 12 February 1946) is an Australian geologist, professor emeritus of earth sciences at the university of Melbourne, professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide and the director of several mineral exploration and mining companies. He has published 130 scientific papers, six books and edited the Encyclopedia of Geology.
Heaven and Earth written in 2009
Plimer writes that climate models focus too strongly on the effects of carbon dioxide, and do not give the weight he thinks is appropriate to other factors such as solar variation The book asserts that the temperature changes we have observed in the 20th century are within the "normal range of variability," that significant global warming is not happening and that there is negligible human impact on warming.
He argues that"The volcanic eruption in Iceland, since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just FOUR DAYS, NEGATED EVERY SINGLE EFFORT you have made in the past five years to control CO2 emissions on our planet."
"Climate has always changed. It always has and always will. Sea level has always changed. Ice sheets come and go. Life always changes. Extinctions of life are normal. Planet Earth is dynamic and evolving. Climate changes are cyclical and random. Through the eyes of a geologist, I would be really concerned if there were no change to Earth over time. In the light of large rapid natural climate changes, just how much do humans really change climate?"
"There is no problem with global warming. It stopped in 1998. The last two years of global cooling have erased nearly thirty years of temperature increase." Of course you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress - it’s that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life.
Michael Ashley is professor of astrophysics at the University of NSW.
"Plimer has done an enormous disservice to science, and the dedicated scientists who are trying to understand climate and the influence of humans, by publishing this book. It is not "merely" atmospheric scientists that would have to be wrong for Plimer to be right. It would require a rewriting of biology, geology, physics, oceanography, astronomy and statistics.
I tend to agree with the 'common sense' arguments put forward by Teilhard de Chardin and by the late Father David Belyea of St Michael's College at U of T, My understanding of their teachings is that man is insignificant in the overall scheme of things and " It is our duty as men and women to proceed as if the limits to our abilities do not exist"
Father David Belyea (1927-2008) |
Perhaps the scientists, a term largely overused and incorrectly given to theorists, should concentrate on finding for us a new place to inhabit. The amount of Co2 delivered by volcanos may be in dispute. What about dinosaur farts? Did their farts contribute to their own extinction? They were called 'sor asses' for a reason! Are the methane gasses released by the pig farms of Carolina and water leaching into the water table through fields over which farmers spread manure, eventually going to destroy the planet? Are rockets and gunpowder and bombs and grenades complicit? Would the millions of starving people in the world today be better off without automobiles or industry? Are people living in misery now any less worthy of our love than future generations. We are the HERE and NOW.
And now the lunatics in the U.S. are picketing PM Harper for his appeal to support the Keystone Pipeline. They continue to promote false conclusions that carbon emissions are threatening the future of Planet Earth. Never mind that the project will create thousands of jobs and allow for energy independence. They still promote the expensive and inefficient technologies of wind and solar. The way forward is to ensure pipelines are safe and controllable in the event of a rupture. Surely we already have, or can develop, the engineering and technology to affect this.
We must embrace visionary projects that will benefit society and balance environmental concerns with economic ones. To concentrate on only one of the parameters is folly.
How about withdrawing all foreign troops from occupied countries, expanding the 'doctors without borders' concept, providing free drugs to the sick, feeding and educating the hungry, instituting free post secondary education around the globe, using the world's armies to recover from natural disasters instead of killing civilians?
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” - LEO TOLSTOY
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