Friday, January 11, 2013



What are values? 
A value is a self-perceived truth that we choose freely for ourselves; that will always govern our thoughts and behaviors; and will always be inviolate. It is a truth that reflects self-preservation, self esteem  and self-awareness.  It is not universal nor does it always result in positive outcomes. Values are the mirrors of our soul.

How do we learn our values?
In Canada we grow and develop under the influence of parents, friends, teachers, the laws of the land and. increasingly, under the media, social media and the Internet.  Values are learned from others through their expertise, their charismatic appeal, their position of respect or their authority over us.  We learn to value and hold dear, truths that we accept from those with power over us. The power of skill and knowledge is generally lasting. A favorite teacher and a star athlete are two examples of leaders who taught us truth. Our parents had power over us by virtue of their position of respect. We mostly believe in their truths. A world statesman, like JFK, had the power of charisma and many people adopted the truths that he preached. A popular musician or rock star wields great influence over youth; but do these offer lasting values. A policeman has the power of authority but when he is not present, the truth sometimes disappears. The fleeting nature of this ‘big-stick’ power does not lend itself to a freely chosen acceptance. Remember, for a value to be held inviolate by anyone there can be no coercion, trickery, brain washing or popular persuasion.  It must be chosen FREELY.

Parental Guidance

Caring and Excellent teaching
Kobe Bryant Star Power
Ann Hathaway Star Power

Charisma & Leadership

Authority - Big Stick

A dose of  Reality:
The world in which we live is bound together by artificial boundaries; which we largely accept. It is under the oversight of THE UNITED NATIONS; which is hardly united and not without its political circus. Wars, murder, corruption and exploitation are the truths of the day. These so called truths are motivated by the national paradigms of religion, self-determination, world influence, defense and economics. There is greed, selfishness, intolerance and injustice everywhere!

Western Society: the United States of America:
Recent tragic events have given rise to the argument over ‘the gun culture’ of the US. Does the Second Amendment need to be deleted or at the very least modified to protect society? Will the banning of automatic assault type weapons solve the problem of ‘mass murders’? Do they need registries to identify mentally challenged individuals and prevent them from obtaining guns? Do they need new legislation to make it more difficult to buy guns?

More Reality
It is my opinion that the problem is systemic. The US society has developed into a media circus. The media controls the politics of the nation. They decide which candidates to promote and support, which issues are the most crucial, which political ideology is paramount, which candidate won the debate and every other truth society should accept.
The media promotes controversy, presents little truth, relentlessly publicizes all evil deeds, and sells ads. They call it ‘Freedom of the Press’. 
Bullying is tolerated. There is no real and severe consequence for those individuals or groups of peers who torment others who are less clever, less attractive, less ‘hip’, more vulnerable or inflicted with any kind of obvious blemish or defect.  Many in this society grow up disillusioned and confused with little or no self-esteem. What is being done to eradicate this problem? The answer is VERY LITTLE!

Picture a reclusive, very intelligent individual with no sense of self worth. He comes from a broken home and lives with a mother who is fond of guns and collects them.. He is not handsome or a ‘hunk’. He has few friends. He spends much time alone playing violent video games that may have desensitized him towards the taking of a human life. He sees the media glorify the killing of a terrorist by Navy Seals. (I cheered lustily as well.) He sees dead infants in the arms of grieving fathers in Syria. He sees rioting in Egypt and death in Libya. He learned in history class about the atrocities committed by the Nazis. He reads about the Neo Nazis in his country who admire Hitler.

Will Bronco Bama come riding to the rescue on his trusty Pinto Pony 'Yessweecan'?

QUESTION:   Where have all the flowers gone? …. When will they ever learn?

QUOTE:    “The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”  -Malcom X

LARELS TO: The late John Lennon…….”IMAGINE”

JOHN WAYNE: "You might be afraid, but you still have to saddle up."


Retep Treap said...


Michael B Kennedy said...

This is the stupidest blog yet.

Tony Fiorini said...

I wish M Kennedy would leave some constructive criticism rather than this inane attack!