Friday, February 1, 2013



The Glad:
·      Children at play—All kids but especially grandkids.


    High school sports—my favorites: Football, Basketball & Track & Field. Coaching young athletes was a great career. Kudos to Mayor Rob Ford. His efforts far exceed Miller's photo ops.

·      Blue Jays Baseball games—Looking forward to a successful 2013 season and post season.

·      Weddings and graduations. Every parent’s long awaited dream

     Shoppers at a busy farmer’s market—fussy, fussy fussy but fun
·      Music Concerts, Symphonies and Ballet—for the very refined taste.
     Friends having fun on a golf trip or annual getaway.

·      Angelina Joli--Impossible to posses but easy to look at and fun to watch.

·      Pedestrians on a busy street—when no vehicles are distracting
·      Some movies and TV shows—“Lincoln’ was very good.
·      ‘Revenge’, ‘Deception’ & ‘Scandal’   are prime time soaps.
·      Sitting on a park bench in a downtown core—watching the 99%ers who really do not understand what it is they are protesting.
·      Dog walkers—the joy of dogs of all types and sizes to be out with their best friend.
·      Santa Claus parades—the excitement of young faces awaiting the arrival of Santa.
·      Remembrance Day Parades—watching the faces of Canadians celebrating the heroism of our veterans.

The Dad:
·      Partner—sharing the joy of a happy, unselfish and fulfilling relationship.
·      Father —Observing those who accept the responsibility and sacrifice of loving and caring for their family.
·      Role Model—watching a father patiently teaching his child how to play, share and persevere.
·      Guardian—Observing a man who is protective but not suffocating or enabling; who sets boundaries, corrects mistakes, forgives but hands out consequences for bad choices.

The Rad:    
·      Some Rappers—every dude thinks he is one
·      Lady Gaga—great talent who has a unique style
·      Kids absorbed in video games—nothing else is heard or matters
·      People out jogging in Lulu Lemon outfits.
·      The ensemble in the movie ‘Les Miserables’
·      A trial in progress—sad for victims of crime but a just and 
       fair process with a good cast of performers.

The Well-clad:   

             Fashion show models
              —COOL TO WATCH
·      The Pope—NICE BEANIE!
·                                                             Celebs at the Oscars or Golden Globes
·      Olympic athletes wrapped in the Canadian flag
·      An OPP officer in full dress uniform
·      A Scottish Piper

The Sad:   
·      Funeral processions and services
·      Loved ones suffering with a terminal illness--
·      Abandoned or starving children lost in their predicament
·      Desperate victims of Natural Disasters
·      Parental victims of war holding their dead child
·      Citizens of poor third world countries
·      Citizens of war-torn lands
·      Residents of Refugee camps and ghettos

The Had:      
·      Victims of sub-prime mortgages
·      Ponzi scheme victims of BERNIE MADOFF
·      Scams via email-- They come from Nigeria, Ghana, Russia. Some even arrive bearing the logo of Canadian Banks.
    If it seems to good.............
    Supporters of Environmental extremism.
    Members of Communes eg: The Branch Davidian. 
·      Victims of a computer virus

The Bad:  
·      Most TV Commercials especially Rogers and Bell        
·      Taxi drivers
·      Drivers caught in traffic jams
·      Jay walkers who interfere with traffic or
·      Jay walkers captivated by their cell phones
·    Spinners,  Judging who won the Political debate
·      Olympic diving and water polo.
·      Wolf Blitzer and Piers Morgan.
·      Fighting and poor sportsmanship in sports.
·      End zone dances and exhibitions.
·      Spoiled kids in a supermarket. 
    When I meet one I bark. They usually stop squawking.
·      Toronto City Councilors axe-grinding
    and distracting from the business of the City.
·      Drivers who cruise in the passing lane and slow traffic.
·      Women Pro tennis players--
     who grunt or squeal loudly while making shots.
·      Followers of the latest fad—
    Pants on the ground, hats on sideways etc.

The Pad:

·      The gang hanging out in someone’s man-cave watching sports and having a good time.
·      The regular poker games on a Thursday night
·      Kids at play getting into dad’s stuff
·      The Pizza delivery guy trying to find the right address

The Mad:
·      Aboriginal protesters looking for respect and independence while demanding government support and welfare checks.
·      Bullies—Cyber bullies are the worst followed closely by schoolyard bullies and executive bullies.
·      Parliamentary physical brawls in a foreign assembly.
·      A Stalker watching and hounding his prey.
·      A Sniper tracking non-combatants through a scope.
·      A dictator giving a speech while exploiting his people and country.
·      A Tyrant murdering his people. 
·      Julian Assange cowering in a foreign embassy and avoiding due process.
·      A Union Boss living off the workers and killing jobs while pretending to be one of them.
·      A Child Molester, Rapist or Serial Killer –-CASTRATION IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE
       The Quote:
  Well I'm just people watching
   the other people watching me
  We're all people watching
    as lonely as we want to be. -Jack Johnston


     The Clip:


Retep Treap said...

What the hell? I actually enjoyed this one.Many highlights!

Michael B. Kennedy said...

This is the stupidest blog I've ever seen.